In any event. I reckon I'll update for anyone in the world who's interested:
1. Aaron and I are engaged. ... HUZZAH! :D Quite exciting. A bit scary at times, too, let's be honest here, just because it's like ... "dang. Well, I've never been in this position before. Hope I don't screw it up." Believe me, it's standard nervousness if there's anything at all; it doesn't have anything to do with not loving Aaron or not wanting to be with him (because, trust me, I do). It's more like existential-crisis mode, and that's not going away anytime soon. I doubt that I'll grow out of it even after I do graduate from college and find some kind of "real" job. So ... yeah. Not bothering too too much about that one.
2. Well, everything aside from that is small, so I guess I'll just let myself ramble.
I've developed some kind of a crush on Shane MacGowan as of late. The man has no teeth, sure, but for some reason he makes a cute old man. Plus, he apparently flipped me off when I saw them (I deserved it, I flipped them off the entire show ... it was all in love =P). Holy crap. I ended up with a set list, too, although lemme tell you what, I really wanted the metal tray that Spider beat the crap out of. Or Shane's empty bottle, but that stupid girl next to me got it. Bah. >:( My angry face says my opinion of the matter.
Man. That was an awesome show. I kind of wish I could go back in time and relive it, or at least see them again. It helps (or doesn't help? depends which way you want to look at it) that I'm on a MAJOR Pogues kick right now. I watched Straight to Hell again last night because now I can actually recognize everyone in the Pogues. I doubly appreciated Shane's frying-eggs laugh, and I laughed pretty hard at it myself.
Oh ... I guess I just thought of something coherent enough to warrant a number three:
3. This summer I start my Honors capstone project. So far, all I know is that I want it to have something to do with the philosophy (or -phies) of punk, and possibly where that interesects with theology. (?) I'm not sure how exactly to tie this in with my theology major, but it definitely means that I've been hatching hare-brained schemes to interview anyone or everyone in the Pogues and any other band that I can think of off the top of my head. It also means that me and Ana began hatching hare-brained schemes to go to London in order to interview people and generally kick around. But we all know how the scheme-hatching goes.
In any event, I kind of wish that I had started my Capstone in the spring instead of the summer, just because I absolutely can't wait to get started on it now; although I reckon that the wait gives me time to actually start reading some books (one of my teachers let me borrow his copy of England's Dreaming whenever I told him my idea for my capstone). I figure I'll start getting something narrowed down when I start reading books and articles. Maybe by that point I'll figure out the angle that I want to go for. I would definitely like to interview Aaron, Ana, my brother, my sister, bands like Fight to Die or Destroy Nate Allen (bands who I've actually seen and/or met personally); if I can manage it I'd also like to try and contact bigger bands like the Pogues, Dropkick Murphys, whoever else ... and for god's sake, if I really did get an Honors program grant to fund my trip to London, I'm pretty sure that I'd at least try to get in touch with someone like Mick Jones or Paul Simonon or Topper Headon. And then I'd proceed to pee my pants with excitement if I actually succeeded.
Yeah. I'm nerding out over this, big-time. I think I might actually enjoy this whole capstone thing. Funny, because I used to dread it.
And now tell me that he doesn't make a strangely cute (and entirely awesome) old man:

Don't pretend like you're weirded out by my random Old Man Crushes. You have them too. Don't lie.
This is Emily, signing off for now.
Just drop an email to and I'd be excited to do an interview.
O RLY? hahahahaha (about you abandoning your blog and having an old man crush on SM)
I never noticed it before but now there is absolutely no denying it. Shane McGowan is not just a cute old man. He is downright hunkalicious in that picture. I think it's the beard. Yep, definitely the beard.
But anywho, where do I start with this... (The only reason I'm writing on here is because if I tell you in person I have a much harder time keeping track of what I'm trying to say)
I am going to miss you bunches. You're my bestest-esti-estest friend (you know that's more fun to say than 'bff') and the ONLY reason I didn't get my butt outta HSU as soon as freshman year was over. I know I've told you like a million times in a million different ways, but your friendship means a whole freaking lot to me, and that alone was worth sticking out another 2 (3 with summer maybe) semesters more of 'wtf am I doing here' and 'this fucking sucks' and general mind numbing confusion. Not that we couldn't be friends if I left back then, but you know, life is just so much more fun when you're around. :) That and I think I was afraid of things falling apart with you like they did with Jora, Whitney, and Chris, and I just couldn't go through that again, so I just wanted to make the best of things while I could. But you should know by now that you're stuck with me for life and whatever happens...this isn't the end.
Also, even if all you could do to try to get my spirits up was make me laugh, you're pretty damn good at it and I appreciate it just the same as, if not more than a professional therapy session. Isn't laughter supposed to be the best medicine or something? =P
AND (I saved the best part for last)
my parents are talking about going to London next summer since they will have more money due to like an $8,000 drop in school tuition. So it's kind of like an added bonus. It's either London or New York, but I'm pushing pretty hard for London (duh).
But for reals I'm going now because it's like 3:20am and I'm starting to space out a bit...and I'm hungry. AND THERE IS NOTHING TO EAT. aaaarrrrgh. I need McDonalds. But anyways. Call me or summ.
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