Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rather pissed off right now.

So I went on my Yahoo account--my e-mail--and noticed that there was a picture of, I kid you not, a pair of boobs in a string bikini being pushed together as my profile picture. I clicked on the "My Profile" link and it sent me to a page for "Hannah Rutledge," whose interests were "drinking, clubbing, and looking for cute bois." So I clicked "My Profile" again. And again. And it kept taking me back to this page. I don't know if someone got into my Yahoo and set up an account, or if this is some sick joke on Yahoo's end for not ever setting up an account, but either way I went and deleted everything--especially that disgusting picture of boobs--and changed my password. So yes, I'm rather pissed off right now. But hopefully the problem has been solved.

1 comment:

ana lisette said...


I guess it sucked at the time, but you have to admit it's pretty funny. sorry but it's just that it's so opposite of what you would have on your profile...oh yahoo.

I'm starving! I can smell burgers cooking in the caf (I'm in the computer lab in moody) but alas, I have no meal plan. :(