Thursday, July 10, 2008

I haven't blogged in a while.

Aaron's back. Sometimes it's odd to think that I actually get to see him once a week. =P After going for so long without getting to see him, I'm just like ... "Hey, I get to see him again? Sweet." =P

Still working at the library. Still loving it. Carts of children's books, however, are brutal, because you can fit five or six in the space that a mid-sized fiction book would take up, so it takes about twice as long to do one children's cart. And that's about all I had to do today. >.< Urgh. But hey, I could be having to ... I dunno ... work in a tannery. I saw that on Dirty Jobs the other night. I don't think that I would survive.

So I checked out "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Getting a Tattoo" from the library yesterday just because it was interesting (I'm not planning on getting a tattoo anytime soon ... that's a little further down the road =P). Did you know that it stays in place because the phagocytes (little organelles that "eat" invaders of the cell) eat the ink and hold it in place? I didn't know that. Thought it was pretty interesting.

I'm on a bit of a Hellboy kick. I still kind of want to go to Hastings and see if they've gotten the movie back in yet, but I don't feel like driving across town ... darn.

I also feel like writing stories again, but the worst part is trying to start them--and I can't get past that. It's been driving me crazy. Maybe at some point I'll be able to break the writer's block and get a decent story going ... oh well.

Yep. That's about all that's been up recently.

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