In the past two weeks or so I've become obssessed with Clive Barker's Abarat series. And here we go once again, I think I'm in love (okay, maybe he's just my favorite character) with the villain, and when I go and think that I'm going to be the weirdo in the Abarat fangirl community for liking him, turns out every other fangirl is twice as in love with him as I am. This happened with Phantom of the Opera too, way back in the day. Maybe some day I'll figure out why fangirls are so attracted to the tortured villain. Might have something to do with the nature of the people who are fangirls, but hey, I like to think that I'm a well-balanced individual ... =P
So. This guy:

I think I'm in love. =P Okay, I have to catch myself again, I don't think my fascination borders on psycholove near as much as some of the other people out there, plus, I already have a boyfriend who I love very dearly, so he wins first place on the list of "People I Am In Love With." But further down the list are a bunch of fictional characters/historical figures who I'll always have a place for in my heart. Now Christopher Carrion (that guy ^) is on The List. God help us all.