Saturday, August 30, 2008
Haven't blogged in a while.
Sitting here waiting for Aaron to call me. I already did all my homework. Bought a birthday present for Moth-er earlier. Ate dinner at Chick-Fil-A and got free ice cream ... good night? Reckon so. I feel like posting random things on the political theology message board, but maybe that's because I just like to argue with people (pretty sure that's part of it--it's in my blood). Unfortunately, all the threads are about stuff like the Democratic National Convention and speeches by Barack and Michelle Obama, and I don't have TV (so I can't really watch them as they happen), plus I don't really care about that anyway. I did actually post a reply to a thread about John McCain choosing Sarah Palin as his VP, but hey, that's just because I read an article about that on MSNBC and I actually kind of knew what I was talking about. Part of me wants to ask people what they think about anarchy just to see what they say. =P Not like I'm an anarachist, because I don't agree with the whole principle of anarchy (my main argument being that people are jerks by nature, and they couldn't function without government to keep them in line--we'd all just end up shooting each other) ... I guess I just want to see how people would react. I like stirring people entirely too much. But then the rest of me keeps me polite, so I just rebel quietly through smarmy remarks. I guess it works. =P
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Thought again today.
Thought again today (during church--my mind wanders sometimes ... =P) and realized that youth ministry is not out completely. What is punk? By and large, a youth culture. The idea of being a youth minister is not completely ruled out. I might go ahead and "officially" become a minister whenever I get out of college. This morning it occurred to me that whenever I get out of school God might just point me in the right direction as an actual minister. I know, right? Seems like I would've thought of that before. =P I had always discounted the idea of being a "professional Christian" because ... well, I don't know--but for some reason it kind of occurred to me that maybe I could work that way. Interesting.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
No more drugs!
I'm down to penicillin now, so no more weird mood changes. I still get tired easily, but that's probably because I'm just not eating as well. =P My teeth do hurt when I wake up, but I guess that can be expected. I actually slept okay last night because I wasn't tweaking on my steroids.
My mom's doing okay. She can walk around now; we went to WalMart last night and she got to ride in one of the scooters. =P Everything's going pretty good. Yay!
My mom's doing okay. She can walk around now; we went to WalMart last night and she got to ride in one of the scooters. =P Everything's going pretty good. Yay!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I've been tripping out most of the day.
My mom fell this morning and cut her ear open, but she's doing okay now (she had surgery yesterday and got faint in the shower this morning, which led to her passing out and cutting a flap back of her ear). And I think that I'm coming off a pain med high or something, because I've been in a mild daze all day and everything just pisses me off easily. And I talk too loud. So yes. O.o Weird emotional rollercoaster all day. We're backing off to ibuprofen cause I don't need my hardcore pain stuffs anymore.
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